It’s Almost Here!!!!

Hey, hey, hey!!! Guess what, y’all?! My book is being released tomorrow, SUNDAY – 11/6/22 – at 8:00pm (EST)!!!!

I’ve kept the title of the book a little secret from the public to have something special to share on the day but you may be able to guess from hints I’ve thrown out over the past few weeks online! 🙂

After the book goes LIVE I will be posting links on all of my social media outlets (@myjoyousheart everywhere) and will be posting a blog post on Sunday night as soon as it goes LIVE!!

(Email will be out Monday morning as those always get sent out the morning after a post.)

I wanted to answer the following questions about my book prior to its release so you can decide if it’s something you’re interested in purchasing!

Who is my intended “Audience?”

Anyone that:

…tries to plan out their life month by month and year by year but yet never feels satisfied.

…always tries to “keep up” with the internal and external professional, relational, and personal expectations placed on themselves.

…worries that they are “behind” in life.

…feels alone or let down by other imperfect humans, like ourselves. 

Female, male, married, single, older, mid-life, younger, student, professional, caregiver, empty nester, and the list goes on and on. The topics in this devotional are not specific to any status or age but to the heart and mind of a Christian walking along their specific path of life in this current culture and time we are in.

What makes this devotional unique?

I’ve had the title of this devotional stirring inside of me over the past 8 years. That means that from the age of 32 this topic has been on my heart. I felt a nudge from God this year to start getting it in motion and I began the writing process in January 2022.

This is a 30 day devotional that includes digging into some of my favorite Bible verses with my personal commentary, stories, and life experiences added in that relate. I made room for your own “Prayers, Praises, and Points” in the back of the book where you can capture what your heart experiences with God as you walk through the 30 days.

This is a book I wish someone else had written when I was in my teenage years, my 20s, my 30s, and from conversations I’ve had with other close friends and family, I know this book will support those even more mature and established than me as well.

Why did I choose to self-publish?

I’ve been involved in and attended many wonderful and informative writer’s workshops, conferences, and online writing communities over the past 11 years. My platform is healthy and active; however, I always felt I needed “more” to get the attention of a big publishing house to level up to the competitive nature of traditional publishing.

Writing is a calling of mine but not my full-time job. After doing my research, and with lots of prayers and patience, I felt that self-publishing this first book was the best fit for me and my work/life balance at this time!

This is the first time I’ve created a product to be sold to the masses but, believe me, I am not writing this to make money (if you knew the minimal dollars and cents I actually receive per sale you’d agree..haha). It has been hard and very fulfilling all at the same time and I am proud of the end result!


The MESSAGE that has been in my heart, that is now in this book, is the reason I have become an author and I hope you are blessed by this long-awaited dream come true!

Thank you for your continued support and encouragement all these years!

All Glory to God for this opportunity and what He will do with it from here on out!

