Grow Where You’ve Been Planted

Over the past week, two Christian examples in my life passed away. The first was my Aunt Katherine. She was the oldest sister of 11 children, a wife, mother, grandmother, aunt, Sunday School teacher, choir director, and sweet soul that was 86 years young. I always admired her knowledge of the Bible and her strong faith in any circumstance that came her way. On New Year’s Eve some of my family and I visited with her in the hospital. She did not speak coherently, as most battling Alzheimer’s suffer through, but while engaging her in conversation, she stated these words as clearly as ever, “God has been so good to me!” Where her mind and ability to communicate wants and needs were failing her, her ability to praise the Lord was still as clear as the noonday sun that Sunday. She passed away just a week ago and I know without a doubt she is praising the Lord clearly and beautifully in the sweet presence of her God and Savior.

The other influential Christian example that passed this past week was Reverend Billy Graham or “Billy” as he liked to be called. I, like many, had witnessed Billy Graham’s passion for spreading the saving gospel of Jesus Christ to hundreds of millions of people throughout his 99 years of life. Back in 1994, my family and I went to see Billy Graham in what ended up being his last crusade through Atlanta. It was at the Dome and I had just turned 12 years old. I grew up in a small town in a small Christian church so going to a huge arena to see a man speak about Jesus was a new experience for me. I remember his conviction, his tone, his grace, and his gift of communicating the gospel for anyone, even the young, to understand. At the end of his message he asked those that decided to make a personal confession of faith in Jesus Christ to come down to the floor of the Dome for prayer. I was moved by the hundreds of people that were boldly proclaiming their faith.

As individuals were walking down the flights of stairs, singing and crying, there was an individual that decided to protest at the event. In the current times we are in, it’s what we would call a “troll,” however, this was a 90’s in-person version. I remember being a little startled that someone would be such a negative force in what was happening among the people. But what amazed me even more was how unstartled Billy was. He continued with the same posture, same welcoming call, and same kind smile. I pray to be as strong when negativity comes towards me for my faith in the gospel.

When looking at my Aunt Katherine and Billy Graham’s influence, some may think that because a traveling evangelist reached more people, he may have had more impact. But I dare say, and know they would both agree, that both Christian examples were just as impactful in the sphere of influence that the Lord saw each of them to have. He planted and nurtured them in the exact place and with the exact opportunities they both needed to use their gifts and to spread the good news of the gospel. Whether it was to a small room of children or a large arena, they nurtured and grew their influence where God had planted them.

I pray that you become even more aware of your influence! Are you in a position to speak from a stage in front of thousands? Are you a community group leader or Sunday School teacher? Maybe you are a high school student and have 20 followers on Twitter. No matter the size of your sphere of influence, we are all called to spread the love and saving grace of Christ in the place and season of life He has us in. And in the end, when our souls rise to be with our Heavenly Father for all eternity, our physical bodies will go back into the ground. It’s then that the influence we had, the seeds that were planted by God’s grace while we were growing spiritually here on Earth will, hopefully, continue to grow from generation to generation for His glory!

Keep up the good fight! And may we all strive to hear those sweet words when we reach the pearly gates of Heaven,

“Well done, good and faithful servant!” 



8 thoughts on “Grow Where You’ve Been Planted

  1. MOM says:

    May we all strive to be more like Katherine,and Billy Graham. We all long to hear those beautiful words “Well done, good and faithful servant!”

    1. Mandy says:

      I agree, Ma! Amen and Amen! Love you!

  2. Estephanie says:

    Oh dear Mandy Amen❣️🙏✨ I can only just imagine what Great Plans He has for you, and I just want you to know that you are such an example to me, your faithful works truly move me💕😊 I was reminded of the song ‘Fountains’ by Josh Baldwin when I recieved your message that was the song that was playing. So thank you once again beautiful may He always be our Joy❣️💖🌈☺️🤗🙏✨

    1. Mandy says:

      Thank you, Estephanie! ♥️ I’ll have to look that song up! 🎶 Amen!

  3. Sandra Johnson says:

    Mary Mandy….once again you have brought me to tears. The Holy Spirit that you share and the way you bring thoughts forward is a true Godly gift! God is using you through these blogs to reach out and help all who hear to know the true meaning of Christ and his love and grace through forgiveness of sin. God truly has plans to prosper you as he uses you. Jeremiah 29:11 I am thankful for you! Aunt Sandra

    1. Mandy says:

      Aw, Aunt Sandra! Thank you so much for your continued encouragement! I am so, so glad that you enjoyed this special message! ♥️ God is so good to give me the gift of words and I don’t take it lightly! I pray to keep glorifying Him! Love you!

  4. Michael says:

    Hey Mandy.. It’s my first time to read your message and you are such an inspiration to me.. .may the Lord continue blessing you and may you continue giving yourself to the Holy Spirit

    1. Mandy says:

      Thank you for taking the time to read this post, Michael! I really appreciate your support and letting me know your thoughts! I pray the Lord blesses you as well! Thank you so much!

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